People talking about a lawn mower they're thinking of buying.

When Do Lawn Mowers Go On Sale At Home Depot?

4 minutes

Who doesn’t like a good sale? Especially on items that cost more and at a store like Home Depot? Still, it can be difficult to know just when do lawn mowers go on sale at Home Depot, but we’re going to help you out.

Typical Lawn Mower Costs At Home Depot

Man looking at prices of lawn mowers in a store.
It always pays to know when lawn mowers go on sale.

Before we get into sales, it’s worth going over how much lawn mowers usually cost at Home Depot. Before getting into that though, it’s also worth knowing that prices do fluctuate naturally from time to time. So, the numbers we provide here are estimates. We recommend going to Home Depot and checking them out yourself, just to confirm.

That said, let’s start with reel lawn mowers.

Reel Lawn Mower Prices

Based on Home Depot’s stock and price choices, reel lawn mowers will have prices in the $50-$200 range. This makes sense since they have fewer moving parts and are simpler devices overall. Next up, push lawn mowers.

Push Lawn Mower Prices

Push lawn mowers, both electric and gas, will be more expensive that reel lawn mowers. Based on Home Depot, the prices can range from $100 to $2,000. This range comes with a catch though.

The more expensive prices aren’t just for lawn mowers. Those higher prices are bundles, which include extra batteries and other tools such as chainsaws, trimmers, blowers, and so on. So, the good news about push lawn mowers is that there really should be something for whatever your needs are.

Self-Propelled Lawn Mower Prices

Based on Home Depot, self-propelled lawn mowers start at $200 and go all the way up to $3,000. Those higher prices will also be for bundles, just like the push lawn mowers.

Riding Lawn Mower Prices

For riding lawn mowers, we’ll need to break it up into 3 categories: lawn tractors, zero-turn riding lawn mowers, and rear-engine riding lawn mowers. Let’s start with lawn tractors.

Lawn Tractor Prices

For lawn tractors, Home Depot has prices ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. Riding lawn mowers are the most expensive out of any lawn mower, but Home Depot does offer special financing.

Zero-Turn Riding Lawn Mower Prices

According to Home Depot, zero-turn riding lawn mowers range in price from $3,000 to over $5,000. Just keep in mind that zero-turn riding lawn mowers have exceptional mobility. These will also have special financing if needed.

Rear-Engine Riding Lawn Mower Prices

Rear-engine riding lawn mower prices are similar to lawn tractor and zero-turn riding lawn mower prices. Based on Home Depot, they range from $2,000 to $5,000. And just like lawn tractors and zero-turn riding lawn mowers, rear-engine riding lawn mowers will have special financing available.

Why Do Lawn Mowers Go On Sale?

There are a few things that determine why lawn mowers go on sale. One minor factor is clearance. Sometimes models don’t sell as well as others or the company is looking to push newer models with better features. In these cases, they may put lawn mowers on sale.

Another factor is holidays. Lawn mowers are more likely to go on sale at stores like Home Depot during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Memorial Day, and so on. A related factor is going to be what time of the year it is.

The in-demand time for lawn mowers is going to be the summer. This is when grass is growing and lawn mowers are needed. So, you’re more likely to get a sale during other times of the year.

A product that has a similar ebb and flow is clothes. Summer clothes like shorts will be more in-demand during the spring and summer, so they’re more likely to be on sale in the fall and winter. The reverse is also true, with jackets more likely to be on sale in the spring and summer.

There’s one more factor that’s related to these seasonal changes too: stock. When stock is high and demand is low, retailers want to move items any way they can. So in the spring and fall, retailers will be looking to move lawn mowers, which may result in sales.

When Do Lawn Mowers Go On Sale At Home Depot?

Unfortunately, the only people who know this for sure will be those who are responsible for those sales at Home Depot. That said, your best times will still be holidays, spring, and fall. Winter can also be a good time as well. Keep this in mind, and you should see some nice sales for lawn mowers that you can take advantage of.

Conclusion: When Do Lawn Mowers Go On Sale At Home Depot?

So, now that you have a better idea of when lawn mowers go on sale at Home Depot, what do you think? When do you plan to check for sales? What’s got you in the market for a new lawn mower? Let us know in the comments below!

Todd L Miles
Lawn Mowers Enthusiast
I started "Landscape and Lawns Care" to provide clients with lawn care with better service, better products and, most importantly, better ethics. My promise to every customer is to give the greenest grass possible while controlling weeds, insects, and diseases! The most important thing is that I strive to always do the right thing for you, your lawn and your wallet!

1 comment

Mario capogrosso says:

I have the tractor that has rounder hood the model no is25972 I called a place by me that that said that number is for a weed Wacker ??

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