John Deere is a well-renowned American Company that produces various types of machinery and heavy-duty equipment. It is founded by John Deere and Charles Deere.
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Who makes John Deere Riding Lawn Mowers?
John Deere was the founder and president of the company. He was an American inventor and manufacturer of agricultural equipment. In 1837, he started a company which is now known as an international powerhouse.
The story of John Deere, who developed the first self-cleaning steel plow with commercial success, closely resembles the colonization and development of the Midwestern United States.
Deere was born on February 7, 1804, in Rutland, Vermont, as the third son of William Rinold Deere and Sarah Yates Deere. In 1805, the family moved to Middlebury, Vermont, where William established dealerships. In 1808 he embarked on a ship to England, hoping to regain an inheritance and make life more comfortable for his family. He was never heard again and probably died at sea.
John Deere was raised by a low-income mother. His education was probably rudimentary and limited to the general schools in Vermont. At the age of 17, he became an apprentice and learned the blacksmithing trade, which he practiced at various locations in Vermont.

In 1836, Deere traveled alone to Grand Detour, Illinois, to start from scratch. Ingenious and industrious, his skills as a blacksmith were in demand immediately.
The groundbreaking new farmers struggled to rebuild the heavy, sticky grasslands with cast-iron plows for the light, sandy soil of New England. John Deere was convinced that a plow that was very polished and had a good shape could be undercut when cutting the furrows. In 1837 he created such a plow with a broken saw blade.
Until 1841 Deere produced 100 plows a year. In 1843, he teamed up with Leonard Andrus to produce more plows and meet growing demand.
In 1848 Deere broke up its partnership with Andrus and moved the company to Moline, Illinois, where there were more favorable benefits for water, coal, and transportation than in Grand Detour. In 1850, about 1,600 plows were made and the company soon made other tools to supplement its steel plow.
In 1858 Deere transferred the leadership of the company to his son Charles, who served as vice president. John Deere retained the title of company president but now focused on civil and political activities. John Deere died on May 17, 1886, at his home in Moline.
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