How To Start Lawn Mower Without Primer Bulb

How To Start Lawn Mower Without Primer Bulb? (Step-By-Step Guide)

4 minutes

Mowing a lawn with a lawn mower is a facile and pleasant process. A lawn mower can make your lawn look fresh and fascinating. But it is possible only when your lawn mower works properly. 

As a regular lawn mower user, you know that the primer bulb is an inseparable part to start a lawn mower. And most of the lawn mower uses a primer bulb because they do not have enough space to accommodate a carburetor.

Now come to the point. Is it possible to start a lawn mower without a primer bulb? Of course, it is possible and you can do it yourself. 

So, how can you do it? Do you have any idea how to start lawn mower without a primer bulb?  

If even don’t, nothing to hesitate. We are here to remove all the obstacles that you face to start a lawn mower without a primer bulb. 

So why late? Let’s see what’s new is waiting for you!

The Process To Start A Lawn Mower Without A Primer Bulb:

How To Start Lawn Mower Without Primer Bulb

We know that a primer bulb transmits gas in the carburetor bowl to turn the mower on.  But on the other times, the carburetor bowl remains empty and there is no gas remain in the bowl.

A primer bulb is generally made of rubber or plastic. And starting a lawn mower without a primer bulb is an easy process. It approximately takes 5-6 minutes to complete the task.

First things first. You know some equipment that is required for this type of work. Let’s have a look at what we will require to start a lawn mower without a primer bulb.

Tools required:

  • A screwdriver
  • A starter fluid
  • Hand gloves 
  • Googles

Steps to follow:

Step #1: Prepare The Lawn Mower

Take the lawnmower into a flat surface. It will make your task easier and comfortable. 

Step #2: Activate Parking Mode

Take the lawnmower to the parking mode. This will prevent the lawn mower from being suddenly turned on.

Step #3: Find Out Air Filter

Now, find out the air cleaner. Most of the time, the air cleaner is on the engine side. Note that if you look inside the air cleaner chamber of the lawnmower, you will find the air cleaner.

The air cleaner is covered with a lid on top. And the cover is attached to the lawn mower body tightened with screws. 

Step #4: Remove Screws

Take the screwdriver and unscrew the screws by rotating them anticlockwise. Carefully store the screws for repositioning. 

Step #5: Bring Out Air Cleaner

Bring out the air cleaner from the air cleaner chamber. Make sure the air cleaner is not damaged in any way. When you withdraw the air cleaner, you will see the air cleaner chamber completely.

Step #6: Spray Starter Fluid

This time, take the starter fluid and spray it in the hole of the air cleaner chamber.

Step #7: Reinstall The Air Cleaner

Immediately reinstall the air cleaner into the air cleaning housing and place the cover. The reason for doing so is because the spray is volatile and it goes away very quickly. 

However, make sure that the air cleaner is properly installed. If you place the air cleaner into an inverted position, it will prevent the flow of air.

Step #8: Start The Lawn Mower

Now turn on the power of your lawnmower. The lawn mower will be launched shortly. 

Step #9: Set The Air Cleaner Cover

Tight the air cleaner’s cover screws using a screwdriver by rotating them clockwise.

Done. Now you can use the lawn mower without a primer bulb.

Cautions :

  • Wear hand gloves and goggles for safety purposes.
  • Go through the user manual before starting work. It will help you to avoid any kind of unforeseen incidents.
  • Be very careful in operating the screwdrivers.
  • Keep your children away from the lawnmower when you are repairing anything.

Final Verdict:

Starting a lawn mower without a primer bulb is an easy task. But always try to be quick when you work with the starter fluid. Since starter fluid is a volatile substance, rapidity is very important here.

If you follow all the steps described above, it will make your task easy and error-free. If you are unable to start the lawnmower after following the process, you may have to replace the primer bulb or take help from an expert technician.

Now, it is your turn. Hopefully, this article has given you all the necessary information on how to start lawn mower without a primer bulb. 

Todd L Miles
Lawn Mowers Enthusiast
I started "Landscape and Lawns Care" to provide clients with lawn care with better service, better products and, most importantly, better ethics. My promise to every customer is to give the greenest grass possible while controlling weeds, insects, and diseases! The most important thing is that I strive to always do the right thing for you, your lawn and your wallet!

1 comment

Rogershelton says:

They suck. Cant even get a diagram to replace belt. 2 belts broke . Never buy another one

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