As a lawn mower user, it is you who have to take care of the mower and know all its details about the mower. Trust me, no one will help you like you!
And if you don’t know the details about the lawn mower, a small problem will turn into a big problem for you.
You may find the lawn mower’s battery is not charging properly. keep in mind that you can’t activate the mower if the battery is not charged properly.
So, what do you think? Your lawn mower has become out of order? Absolutely not.
A lawn mower battery can easily be charged up by using a car battery. You yourself can do this at home only if you take a few steps carefully.
Now comes the crucial fact, do you know how to charge a lawn mower battery with a car? If your answer is no, then nothing to worry about.
In this article, you will find out all the necessary guidelines to charge a lawn mower battery with a car.
So, Let’s dig it.
In this content you’ll learn:
The Process To Charge A Lawn Mower Battery With A Car

This process is called the jump start. It can take approximately 5-6 minutes to complete this charging mission. With jump-start, you can easily turn the lawn mower power on.
Let us first know about the tools that will help us. You don’t need so many tools to complete the task. Only a modern battery charger is needed to charge the lawn mower battery with a car.
You will find various types of battery chargers in electrical shops or automobiles shops. Choose the best one for you.
For safety purposes, don’t forget to wear hand gloves and goggles. You can also wear a protective cloth for your protection.
Steps to follow:
Step #1: Take Lawn Mower Close To The Car
Firstly, take the lawn mower to a flat surface. Set it in the parking mode. Take the lawn mower very close to the car for the convenience of charging.
Step #2: Turn Off The Car
Turn the car power off. Set the car in the parking mode also. Pull the front hood upwards and find out the battery compartment.
Step #3: Locate Lawn Mower Battery
Find out the lawn mower battery. Most of the lawn mowers have a battery underneath the seat if you are a riding lawn mower user.
Step #4: Disconnect The Battery
Disconnect the battery from the power cable. It will save you from being unexpectedly electrified.
Step #5: Check Battery Voltage
Check the voltage of the lawn mower battery. Most of the lawn mowers use 12 volts batteries. Check the voltage of the car battery also. If the voltage is not equal, then the battery may explode when you start charging.
Step #6: Connect Charging Cable
Now, it’s time to connect the charging cable with the batteries. If you look closely, you will see that there are two terminals in each battery.
One is the positive terminal (+) and the other is the negative terminal (-). The color of the positive terminal is red and black color indicates the negative terminal.
Connect the red terminal of the mower battery with the red terminal of the car battery. Again connect the black terminal of the mower battery with the black terminal of the car battery. Carefully connect the edges using the battery charging cable.
Step #7: Test and Disconnect The Cable
Turn on the mower this time. If the mower does not turn on, leave the battery charged for a while. Try to turn on the mower again after charging. When the mower is turned on, disconnect the battery charging cable carefully. The excess charge may damage the lawn mower battery.
Done. Now you can use the lawn mower as before.
The Tips That Will Keep Ahead:
There is no need to charge the lawn mower’s battery all the time. But there are some times when charging the battery increases the durability of the battery.
- Charge the battery when you store the lawn mower in the winter.
- Charge the battery when you reuse the lawn mower at the beginning of spring.
- If the battery goes off for some reason before the mowing.

- Before starting your work, go through the user manual of the battery charger to avoid any kind of unwanted situation.
- Check the voltage of the battery carefully. Because the battery explosion is a very serious thing. A battery explosion can happen to you when you work from very close to the battery.
- Keep children away when you do this kind of work.
Final Verdict:
Charging a lawn mower battery with a car can turn an easy process to you if you have the experience in this regard. But if you feel uncomfortable, don’t do this by yourself. Contact with an expert mechanic will make your task easier.
Always try to follow the cautions to avoid any danger. Any type of accident can cause major damage as you deal with batteries.
Hopefully, from this article, you got the points on how to charge a lawn mower battery with a car.
Now, it is your turn. Have a breath and start changing your lawn mower battery by yourself!