We all know the proverb that ‘slow and steady wins the race’. But this proverb is not actually suitable for a lawn mower, right? Because a slow lawn mower takes too much time to cut the grasses of your lawn.
You know a slow mower kills your valuable time. Statistics show that an American spends at least 4 hours per week to mow their lawn. And you can save your time if your lawn mower is a little bit faster than the regular speed.
But note that a lawn mower is not manufactured for racing purposes, although you can learn how to build a racing mower,. Then what to do?
Nothing serious, some simple replacements and care can make your lawn mower faster. Do you have any idea about how to make a lawn mower faster? If you don’t have any idea, nothing to worry about.
We are here for you. Let’s dive in.
In this content you’ll learn:
Tricks And Tweaks For Making Your Lawn Mower Faster

There are several ways to make your lawn mower faster. I’ve already mentioned that simple replacement and care can easily enhance the speed of your lawn mower.
Before getting known of the effective ways, you should have an idea about the required tools and guideline. Applying these tips will need some tools and the tools are as follows:
Required Tools:
- The user manual of the lawnmower.
- Tire gauge.
- Air pump to inflate the tire.
Now, let’s know some of the tricks and tweaks to make a faster mower.
1. Sharpening The Blades Of The Lawnmower
The first thing you need to care about is sharpening the blades of the lawn mower (a hydrostatic lawn mower will need other tweaking as it has different blades). Sharp blades speed up the cutting ability of the mower.
When the mower cut the grasses quickly, you can easily move from one place to another. Thus it will make your lawn mower faster and save your valuable time.
2. Changing The Fuel Regularly
If you change the fuel of the mower regularly, it will help the engine to work perfectly. And when the engine is at its best level, obviously, the speed of the lawn mower will increase gradually.
Try to use high octane gasoline gas for your lawn mower. High-quality gas helps the engine to run the mower flawlessly.
3. Regular Maintenance Of The Tires
Regular maintenance of the tires makes the lawn mower faster. That’s why always try to ensure that the tires of the mower are properly inflated.
Check the tires regularly to find out whether any leakage happens in the tires. Go through the user manual of the tires to ensure the inflation limit of the tires. But do not over-inflate the tires for extra advantage.
4. Clean The Air Filter
A dirty air filter blocks the air and makes the mower slower. Regular cleaning of an air filter helps to pass the air between the engine and the compressor.
As the price of the air filter is low, you can replace a new air filter when it is necessary. In fact, it is recommended to change the air filter every six months.
5. Check The Performance Of All Parts
You should always check whether all the parts are working properly. Chains, belts, shafts, and filters need to be checked on a regular basis. The speed of the lawn mower depends largely on these parts.
Always remember that it will help you service your lawn mower before every mowing season. Leaving it for next season without servicing can damage the parts of the mower.
6. Throttle Speed Adjustment
Changing the throttle speed or the governor above it by following the user manual can increase the speed of your mower. But if there is no instruction in the user manual, then it is better not to do it.
7. Regular Cleaning Of Undercarriage
Debris creates a cake-like layer beneath the undercarriage as a result of regular mowing. When the debris comes close to the blade, they block the blade.
Regular cleaning of the undercarriage can save you from this hassle. You can clean the undercarriage by using a brush or spraying water using a hose. However, before doing this, you must remove the spark plug.
8. Replace The Built-in Pulley With A Bigger One
If you have an opportunity to change your pulley, you can easily increase the speed by replacing it with a larger pulley. However, before making a change, you must check whether it can be done.
- Follow the user manual before going through any change.
- Wear safety clothing to avoid any kind of unwanted incident.
Final Verdict
Finally, it is needless to say that a fast lawn mower can cut the grasses at your estimated time. And regular maintenance of the mower increases the speed easily.
But you should keep in mind that lawn mower is manufactured for home use. High speed can be harmful to the mower. And before any parts replacement, go through the user manual to be sure that whether the replacement is suitable for your mower.
Hopefully, this article gave you a clear concept of how to make a lawnmower faster. Now, just follow these tricks and make your mower faster.